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Not only for cooking, here are 10 herbal medicines from kitchen spices


10 herbal medicines from kitchen spices
10 herbal medicines from kitchen spices

Not only for cooking, here are 10 herbal medicines from kitchen spices

Every house certainly has kitchen ingredients such as shallots, ginger, cinnamon, and many others. However, who would have thought that you could get herbal medicine from these herbs.

These kitchen spices can be an alternative to overcome various diseases that you often suffer from. Starting from coughs, colds, and flu, there are several diseases that can be treated with herbs.

What herbal medicines from kitchen spices are they? Check out Bob's brief review of 10 herbal remedies from kitchen spices that are useful for treating some minor ailments that you may often suffer from.

Here are Herbal Medicines from Kitchen Spices

1. Cloves

Herbal medicine from the first kitchen spice is cloves. This one spice is one of the cooking spices that you can easily find. You can buy it easily in traditional markets.

Usually, cloves are used to strengthen the aroma. However, to be used as medicine, the benefits are quite a lot. Some of them are overcoming stomach pain, inflammation of the mouth and throat, and rheumatism.

To make it as, you can add this clove in tea. The reason is, this one spice turns out to have anti-inflammatory properties contained in these herbs.


2. Red Onion and Garlic

Herbal medicine from the next kitchen ingredients are shallots and garlic. Both types of onions include kitchen ingredients that must be present at home to add to the taste of dishes.

Regarding health matters, both also have good benefits. Shallots and white onions are known as kitchen ingredients that can be used to lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

You can consume both types of onions as much as three cloves per day by eating them raw. If you don't like it, you can mix the two in cooking.

Red Onion and Garlic
Red Onion and Garlic

3. Cinnamon

To make food have an appetizing aroma, cinnamon is the choice. No wonder if cinnamon is used as a sweetener for food.

Well, behind its use for cooking, cinnamon is also a herbal remedy from kitchen spices. This one kitchen spice is known as a natural rheumatic drug because of its anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition, cinnamon is also useful for regulating blood sugar balance and overcoming flatulence. You do this by boiling it together with water or mixing it into tea or coffee.


4. Turmeric

Turmeric is a kitchen spice that has a distinctive aroma. This is also what makes turmeric often used as a cooking ingredient to cover up the bad smell of meat.

This herbal medicine from herbs is believed to be effective for treating arthritis and muscles. This can happen because of the anti-inflammatory compounds contained in this orange spice plant.

In addition, turmeric also has other benefits that are good for health. Some of them include helping diets and also treating various ailments such as headaches and stomach aches.


5. Ginger

Some people may often confuse ginger and kencur. This incident is not too surprising considering the shape of the two spices are somewhat similar and can outwit the eye.

However, for health matters, ginger is a herbal remedy from kitchen spices, you know. Ginger is famous for its properties which can relieve nausea and warm the body in cold weather.

In addition, ginger is also known to be able to cure colds. How to consume it is fairly easy. You can add grated ginger to the porridge or drink boiled ginger water.


6. Lada

Pepper is an herbal remedy from the next kitchen seasoning. Usually, pepper will be used in cooking as a natural flavor enhancer and is also able to enrich the taste of the dish.

For health matters, pepper is considered good for lowering blood sugar levels for diabetics. The content of piperine in pepper plays an important role for the efficacy of the pepper.

The piperine content is also believed to be good for helping to lose weight. In addition, pepper is also believed to be able to melt mucus that clogs the respiratory tract for sufferers of colds.


7. Kencur

In order to make the aroma of cooking more fragrant, kencur is often the choice. Not only that, kencur is always the main choice to be used as a complementary ingredient for pecal seasoning or vegetable anointing.

In addition, the benefits of kencur for health should not be underestimated. This herbal medicine from spices has long been known as herbal medicine because of its benefits to increase endurance.

Not only that, various health benefits can be obtained from this one seasoning. Kencur is commonly used to treat coughs, headaches, and digestive disorders such as diarrhea.


8. Kaffir lime

Talking about the fishy smell in meat, orange belly is often used to get rid of the smell. Apart from the fruit, the leaves are also used to add to the flavor of a dish.

Stomach orange is actually one of the herbal medicines from kitchen ingredients. The reason is, you can use orange belly as a natural herbal medicine to treat colds.

Apart from that, orange belly offers other health benefits. Call it eliminating the smell of hair, refreshing the body, and also moisturizing the skin, so some of them.

Kaffir lime
Kaffir lime

9. Pala

Herbal medicine from other kitchen ingredients is nutmeg. Nutmeg is often used as a fragrance and flavor enhancer. Dishes such as meat stews, curries and curries usually use nutmeg powder.

The benefits of nutmeg for health are quite diverse. The content of magnesium and  macelignan  substances contained in nutmeg is believed to be able to reduce damage to the nervous system in the brain,

If you are experiencing bad breath, you can use nutmeg to get rid of the smell. Not only that, nutmeg is also efficacious for strengthening your gums and teeth, you know!


10. Red Chili

The herbal medicine from the last kitchen spice is red chili. Red chili itself is the main prima donna for spicy lovers and is often used as a natural food coloring.

This seasoning also has health benefits. Some of these benefits include reducing hypertension, curing rheumatism, canker sores, colds, and increasing appetite.

Even so, it's good not to overdo it in eating this red chili. If you overdo it, your stomach can hurt and you might even suffer from diarrhea from eating too much red chili.

Red Chili
Red Chili

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